According to the official claims of Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, in 2024, this messenger can boast an outstanding 950 million active users per month. This fact makes Telegram one of the most popular messengers in the world (it gives in to the number of users only to such giants as WhatsApp with 2 billion users, WeChat with 1.34 billion users, and Facebook Messenger with 1.01 billion users).
At the same time, considering that Telegram is the cradle of the Russian-speaking crypto community and gradually this trend began to spread throughout the world, it becomes clear that it is definitely not worth ignoring the importance of ensuring a strong presence here. Below, we will explain how to promote a crypto Telegram group effectively in more detail.
It is important to note that Telegram, unlike the vast majority of other messengers, offers a variety of marketing tools, including:
All this creates a favorable environment for real-time interaction with the audience and holding its attention with minimal resource costs.
At the same time, unlike the usual mechanisms of search networks like Google, where you can get targeted traffic by filling your digital platform with content on relevant topics, here, the search algorithm works a little differently, showing only the first ten most popular results with the keyword entered by the user. Therefore, before deploying your Telegram crypto promotion strategy, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this messenger so as not to waste a minute of time.
So, where should you start with your Telegram crypto marketing? Let’s look at four of the most effective approaches right now.
Let's start with the fact that in the context of marketing, Telegram is considered a fairly new platform: for example, Telegram Ads appeared in December 2021, but in order to use it, companies had to make a minimum advance payment of €2 million, according to the terms of the service. Because of this, small advertisers had to buy ads through resellers or negotiate with channels directly. Today, everything works much more smoothly here, so there are already a number of crypto projects that have managed to significantly increase the loyalty of their audience thanks to thoughtful Telegram marketing.
So, let’s take at least such world-famous projects as Chainlink and Uniswap – from the very beginning of their existence, they chose this platform as one of the main communication channels with their audience and did not lose: thanks to regular notifications about events within the project, airdrops, and the publication of interviews with their founders, they quickly attracted interested crypto enthusiasts. It is also worth highlighting the Polkadot project, which, as part of its marketing strategy in Telegram, uses regular AMA sessions – this helps them establish a strong connection with their community and answer FAQs. Also, we should not underestimate the effectiveness of competitions, which is confirmed by the example of the Binance and Aave projects, which several years ago held large-scale campaigns with stickers and giveaways. This predictably led to an increase in activity on their channels and attracted new participants.
As with any other digital platform today, only well-planned and well-thought-out methods pay off – they allow you to form the right approach to attracting new subscribers and keeping them focused on your crypto project in the long term.
For example, actively publishes educational materials to explain to users the value of their products and their reliability. From this, we can conclude that this approach has become one of the driving forces of their marketing, as it has contributed to a significant increase in their presence on the platform. Also, you shouldn’t forget to define specific KPIs, such as the number of subscribers or the level of engagement, according to which you will be able to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your crypto marketing efforts.
Currently, some of the most effective crypto Telegram promotion tactics are partnerships with other crypto projects, influencer marketing, and advertising in the best crypto Telegram groups.
And these are not just words: cooperation with well-known experts in the crypto industry has borne fruit for such popular projects as FTX and SushiSwap. In general, the motives for its use are transparent: because some crypto projects/influencers have already managed to win the favor of certain audiences, their opinions and recommendations will also be valuable to them, and, therefore, they will most likely subscribe to your channel as well and generally show interest in your project. As for paid advertising in crypto groups, here, first of all, it is worth targeting the most visited ones – the main thing is to pre-agree on the publication budget so as not to spend all your money on marketing on this.
Finally, you can use the power of educational content, because this is what will allow your project to stand out among other competitive channels or groups.
As a successful example that resorts to this approach, we would like to highlight such crypto projects as CoinGecko and Messari: their publications are generously filled with analytical reports, educational recommendations, as well as various insider information, and exclusive news. Thanks to such a variety of content, their subscribers gain a sense of their significance and value.
As for surveys, the Compound project is probably in the lead here, which clearly shows how live discussions and real-time interaction with subscribers can greatly maintain community engagement.
Since Telegram is difficult to use as a single tool for promoting a crypto project (due to its rich but still limited marketing opportunities compared to full-fledged social media platforms), you have to develop a cross-promotion strategy aimed at attracting new users from other social platforms.
For example, in this messenger, you can organize close integration with platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and YouTube, which, being crypto-loyal platforms, are less suitable for deep and consistent communication in real time.
Perhaps the most obvious measure of the success of your Telegram crypto marketing strategy is the constant growth of your channel’s subscribers. At the same time, you should not underestimate such metrics as:
If we turn to our personal experience in Telegram marketing for crypto projects, we would like to highlight three of the most common mistakes:
We hope that now you better understand the specifics of preparing an effective strategy for crypto promotion in Telegram and will not make any rash steps that will cause it to fail. In particular, well-planned use of Telegram marketing features such as instant messages, bots, mini-games, stickers, groups/channels, paid advertising, as well as polls and surveys will help you build an ever-growing and loyal community that will promote your project by word of mouth. Along with this, if you want a 100% guarantee of the effectiveness of your crypto marketing efforts in Telegram and beyond, feel free to contact us.