Initially launched as a free messenger, Telegram has become a much more versatile solution today. In particular, Telegram has become an ideal tool for forming and supporting crypto communities due to its simple, effective, and reliable means of communication, extensive opportunities for interaction with the community, international support, and advanced security mechanisms. At the same time, not only Web 3.0 projects create communities here – they can also be owned by individual crypto enthusiasts (or their groups) to convey useful insights related to trading, investments, Web3 technologies, and news to their audience.
Below, we, the Coinband team, will discuss the second type of Telegram cryptocurrency channels, because they are the most valuable for those wishing to join the ranks of the lucky ones who got rich thanks to the wise purchase and/or sale of digital currencies.
We all would like to receive information first-hand, not “clouded” by paid advertisements that are sometimes difficult to distinguish from those published without hidden motives, right? In this case, we should definitely be careful when choosing the resources you subscribe to in Telegram.
Indeed, with tens of thousands of cryptocurrency Telegram groups and channels now available on Telegram, selecting the ones you can trust can be challenging. So what are they and what makes them so special? Let's find out right now.
Our personal top includes only three channels that cover the latest and most interesting and hyping news from the Web 3 world. Here they are.
The founders of Crypto Pump Club with 470+ thousand subscribers share their personal overviews of new altcoins, as well as provide global crypto market analytics. All the signals they provide here are free and reliable. Many of the cryptos they analyze get an investment boost with a 100x and even more coefficient.
RAVEN Signals Pro with almost 38 thousand subscribers is an open Telegram community. It provides two global crypto analyses per week and also opens access to VIP channels. Here, you will be able to receive about 2-4 crypto signals per day, benefit from the trading bot, as well as obtain personal expert support.
The Binance Killers Telegram channel with 263+ thousand subscribers is dedicated to discussing cryptocurrencies, crypto trading, and, in general, news from the world of blockchain technologies. It focuses on active participants and provides them with comprehensive analytical reviews, trading signals, expert opinions, and tech information about new projects. The channel also offers insider information and various useful recommendations for those who want to make the most of the crypto market.
What if you need a resource without unnecessary news notifications? Specifically, if you are looking for the best crypto Telegram groups with insights that you can immediately apply to your trading activities, be sure to check the list below.
The 153,000+ strong Wall Street Queen Official channel was created specifically for crypto enthusiasts and traders who want to dive into the world of cryptocurrency investing. Unlike many other channels, it focuses on providing not only trading signals but also in-depth analytical analysis of market trends, risk management strategies, and trading psychology. The channel’s admins provide exclusive insights on upcoming market changes, as well as trading tips for volatile markets. Wall Street Queen also boasts its audience, which includes many experienced traders who participate in discussions and share their strategies, helping newbies and more experienced participants stay on top of things.
For those looking for a channel that would be dedicated specifically to trading cryptocurrencies on Binance, Crypto Inner Circle® with its almost 133 thousand audience will become the Holy Grail. All information published here is fully adapted for Binance exchange participants, which means that they will only see familiar charts and analytics here.
Wolf of Trading is a trading channel run by a crypto enthusiast who combines “pure” statistics, analytics, and psychological factors. This is probably why some crypto signals and insights may seem complicated to you. However, you are completely safe here: this trader has already been successfully trusted by almost 108 thousand subscribers and, obviously, for good reason, because the size of his audience continues to grow every day.
Binance Signals with the 81+ thousand audience is another Telegram channel whose main topic is fully dedicated to improving the skills of beginner crypto traders and investors. In particular, signals for trading on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, supported by detailed technical analysis, are regularly published here. Also, on this channel, you can find forecasts on profitable entry and exit points of transactions, which is especially useful for the volatile cryptocurrency market. Finally, this channel’s owners often post tips on trading strategies and leave warnings about important news in the world of cryptocurrencies, helping their subscribers instantly respond to market changes.
The Margin Whales Telegram channel with 38+ thousand subscribers provides valuable signals for margin trading in the cryptocurrency markets. The channel is aimed at traders who use leverage to increase their profits and offers recommendations for profitable deals. The signals published here include analysis of support and resistance levels, as well as market swings of large players ("whales"). Its subscribers also receive risk management tips and strategic recommendations to boost their trading efficiency.
Thinking about earning passive income over time? This is a great idea! In particular, if you are looking for the biggest Telegram crypto groups that will open up Web3.0 projects with a long-term investment perspective, please, check out the following five.
Founded in 2018 and since then, gathered almost 47 thousand followers, the Bitcoin Bullets®️ crypto channel is known as a reliable source of accurate information about evolving crypto projects and their currencies with good potential. Here, you will also find current Web 3.0 market news that will help you better understand what is happening in the world of crypto trading and, thus, avoid risky investments.
With its over 63 thousand followers, Crypto Bull is another crypto signals-dedicated Telegram channel that offers subscribers up-to-date news, analytical reviews and forecasts, as well as signals for buying and selling different digital assets. The channel focuses on technical analysis and market trends to help its subscribers make informed decisions. In addition, Crypto Bull provides useful information on the most significant events and changes in the cryptocurrency niche that are likely to affect its market.
This is possibly the best crypto community on Telegram dedicated to crypto investments. Crypto Insider has an audience of almost 54 thousand subscribers and regularly publishes valuable analytics on the most promising Web3 projects, both new and those that have a long history. Here, you will also find reliable crypto signals that you can use in your trading activities without any doubts.
The audience of Crypto Shilling has long exceeded the mark of one hundred thousand, and this is quite predictable: just try to find at least a couple of crypto channels that would regularly publish such significant news and insights for the Web 3 community. In addition, here, you will find up-to-date information about the most valuable digital assets that are worth investing in.
Crypto Box Shilling – Memecoin is considered a reliable crypto investment group in Telegram on all continents, which is confirmed by the number of subscribers confidently striving for 100,000. Here is the news about the most significant digital currencies in the world, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Dogecoin, etc., as well as about projects that have just started their journey but have every chance to bring their investors an increase of 100 times or more.
Finally, if you tend to trust prominent figures from the Web3.0 world over no-name groups, be sure to check out the list below – here are channels owned by famous Telegram crypto influencers.
Phantom Degen is a crypto trading channel with a short but already outstanding history. So far, the number of its subscribers is not so large – about eight thousand people, which does not detract from its value for readers. In a nutshell, this is a project of a trader who earned his capital on transactions in projects with low rates. Its topic is more focused on providing accurate crypto signals.
The Fed Russian Insiders Telegram channel provides analytics and news related to global economic and financial events, including the impact of decisions by global financial institutions on the international economy. Its main focus is on insider information, analysis of macroeconomic trends, as well as political and financial changes that may affect the markets. The uniqueness of the channel lies in its cross-linking between geopolitics and global financial markets, which allows subscribers to promptly respond to changes and adapt their investment strategies depending on the current situation.
The crypto forecast Telegram community ICO Analytics with almost 72 thousand subscribers is a patriotic information resource with founders from Ukraine and the UK. In addition to providing analytically sound crypto signals, there are also chats where subscribers can communicate with each other and exchange their experiences of using these signals in practice.
Limbo Trade is a growing but very promising cryptocurrency trading Telegram group with almost eight thousand subscribers. Despite its “youth”, it has managed to establish itself as reliable in terms of providing accurate crypto signals, general market analytics, and other information that may not be obvious even to experienced traders. Moreover, this channel has not yet darkened its reputation with advertising publications, which, in turn, inspires even more confidence in it.
Today, the Satoshi Calls Telegram crypto trading group has almost 53 thousand subscribers, and this is not surprising for us: every day, its owners highlight hidden gems and provide crypto signals on the most hyped digital currencies. It also notifies its audience about upcoming airdrops, ICOs, IPOs, IDOs, and other events that will allow them to buy the most promising coins at the best price. Also, here, you will find alpha ideas with 85%+ implementation.
The audience of Reign of Crypto has already exceeded a hundred thousand and continues to moderately expand with crypto fans from all corners of the planet. The author of this crypto investment group on Telegram publishes his thoughts on the rise and fall of popular digital currencies and also covers new projects that, in his opinion, deserve attention and, of course, investment. Thanks to the well-founded conclusions of this influencer, you will be able to make an informed decision about whether it is worth investing in a particular coin for you as well.
Almost 156 thousand followers – sounds good, doesn’t it? Although, for us, it’s not surprising: considering the colossal amount of useful information published in this Telegram group for cryptocurrency traders, Airdrop Factory, it really deserves public recognition. Here, you will find detailed analyses of promising Web3 projects and also be able to get additional information about cryptocurrencies that are on everyone’s lips – perhaps this will help you act more confidently within the framework of your investment strategy.
Tonny Drop's is aimed at gradually educating its readers about the specifics of crypto trading. It also publishes crypto signals and other news that will allow them to catch lady luck by the tail in the world of Web3. Thanks to market adaptability and deep immersion in Web3.0 projects, its owner was able to achieve 220%+ ROI on various crypto activities. So, now, he is ready to share his experience so that each follower can get the same results. Currently, the number of its subscribers is confidently approaching 54 thousand.
Whether you are a Web 3.0 project owner looking for ways to promote it or a desperate crypto investor, you should understand the true motives for joining crypto groups on Telegram, because this will help you develop the right strategy for your future activities, be it marketing, investing, or something else:
Now, let's try to figure out how to distinguish the best crypto Telegram groups from those who are engaged in fraud and/or conduct activities that are commercially beneficial only to their owners:
Finally, we would like to share with you a small guide that will help you determine the authenticity of the Telegram crypto trading groups you have chosen:
Following top crypto trading Telegram groups allows you to get the next benefits:
Since Telegram serves as a powerful tool for crypto fans, providing them with valuable, real-time information, helping in networking, and of course, guaranteeing a sufficient level of privacy, this platform definitely deserves to take a special place in your activities in the WEB 3.0 space. In particular, if you would like to make the building of the Telegram community a part of the global strategy for promoting your decentralized solution, you can contact the Coinband team.
The best crypto Telegram group dedicated to crypto news is Crypto Pump Club with 470+ thousand followers.
The reliability of a specific crypto exchange Telegram group providing crypto trading signals is relative because no one can predict what will happen in the future with 100% accuracy. However, thanks to experience and knowledge, many owners of such channels are able to generate fairly accurate insights that can be safely used as reference information in trading activities.
You can do this by downloading the Telegram app (it is available in the web, mobile, and desktop versions). After that, you will need to use the search bar to find the needed crypto Telegram groups, after which you can join them by clicking the corresponding blue button. If the group provides real-time crypto signals, we recommend that you enable notifications so you don’t miss the moment when they can be used to make a profit.
If we talk about the largest and most reliable group where you can find the freshest crypto news on Telegram, it is, of course, Crypto Pump Club.
In our opinion, the Crypto Insider crypto Telegram community is one of the best for beginner crypto investors.
Some of the best Telegram crypto groups with good communities of traders are Satoshi Calls, Phantom Degen, Crypto Insider, Tonny Drop's, and of course, Limbo Trade.
We would include Satoshi Calls, Airdrop Factory, and Wolf of Trading in the list of the most popular crypto coins Telegram channels.