Rolaz Gold

Attracting token holders to the project after IDO and IEO


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Influencer marketing

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Community management

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About project

Rolaz Gold (rGLD) is the first tokenised (natural) asset from the decentralised investment protocol Rolaz. As the name implies, it is a gold-backed token designed to stabilise and secure the hedge fund ecosystem

The primary function of Rolaz Gold is to provide a price based on the value of gold to reduce volatility and protect the community from price fluctuations.


+800 token holders
+2.000 community members
Marketing strategy

The key difficulty of the project was the stage the project was in. Previously, the project held IDO and IEO, in which they did not reach their financial goals, which slowed down the road map of the project. We divided the marketing strategy into 2 parts: • Increasing the trust of token holders (investors) who joined the project during the IDO/IEO stages. We decided to do this through content marketing and a series of AMA sessions in the project community. • Attracting new token holders, due to the upcoming updates, which can affect the value of the token.

Artur Shustov
CEO Coinband
Step 1. Content marketing

Before working with us, the project's community and social networks were made up of fake accounts. Therefore, with impressive figures in the subscriber's column, the activity and engagement of the audience were zero.

Step 2. Launch Influencer marketing

As Influencer marketing, we decided to focus on holding AMA sessions in the Influencer community in order to closely familiarise their audience with the project. During the campaign, 5 AMA sessions and an additional 7 promotional posts were held.

Step 3. Launch PR

And the next step was placement in Tier 1 and Tier 2 crypto-media. As with influencer marketing, we brought a new audience to the project's community, and besides content marketing, we used media publications as an element of social proof. We published 2 interviews and 1 press release.

Step 4. Conducting a trade competition

After passing the first 3 stages, we had a new active, and engaged audience for the project. Converting them into token holders was missing the final trigger. We decided to hold a trading competition on the Coinsbit platform. The conditions of the competition are: ◦ Buy rGLD token ◦ no tokens are allowed to be sold during the competition

token holders
community members



The most appropriate stages for attracting token holders are ICO/IDO/IEO. It is at these stages that traders and investors most actively participate in projects. But since these stages of the project were unsuccessful, to further attract token holders, first of all it is necessary to increase audience loyalty and trust through content marketing, new partnerships and updates of the project.



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