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How to build a community project of 28.000 participants from 0 in 14 days?


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Community management

About project

PUML Better Health is a Web3 Move to Earn platform that aims to gamify healthy behaviour through virtual tasks


Attract 20.000 community members
Increase brand awareness
Attract new users to the game

The project in Point A already had a large English-speaking community. Our task was to launch and quickly build up Ru's community. The tools chosen to carry out this task were: • Influencer marketing • Community management + SMM The event for the advertising campaign was the upcoming IDO.

Artur Shustov
CEO Coinband
Launch Influencer marketing

10 opinion leaders were chosen as KOLs, as the endorsers (these were not one-off placements, but marketing support for the project for 3 weeks). During the 3 weeks of the advertising campaign, 30+ posts were published at KOLs. The ad placements were structured as a content funnel: ◦ Post 1: an overview of the project + influencer's opinion on it ◦ Post 2: upcoming IDO ◦ Post 3: Influencer's participation in IDO ◦ Post 4: game participation + token farming

Content marketing

Since the community was created from scratch, there was a huge emphasis on the amount of content at launch. The main challenge: communicating the value of the project and how to interact with the game quickly and concisely enough. Within a month, 50+ posts were published in the community, which, in addition to information about the project, were accompanied by guides on how to play and earn rewards.

game users
community members



The PUML Better Health project is a Web3 Move to Earn platform that GameFi healthy behavior through virtual tasks. In order to build up the CIS community, the project team utilized influencer marketing, community management, and social media marketing during a 3-week advertising campaign leading up to the IDO.


The project team utilized a content funnel approach with the influencer marketing campaign, starting with an overview of the project and the influencer's opinion, and then gradually providing more details about the upcoming IDO, the influencer's participation, and finally, the game participation and token farming. Additionally, the team published over 50 posts in the community within a month, including guides on how to play and earn rewards.


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