GT Protocol

IDO and Listing Marketing Campaign with 50x ROI


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About project

GT Protocol is a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape with its advanced AI-powered crypto management tools. Designed to enhance trading efficiency and investment strategies, GT Protocol offers a comprehensive suite of products, including AI-driven portfolio management, automated trading bots, and seamless DeFi integration.

The platform leverages artificial intelligence to optimize asset allocation and risk management, providing users with data-driven insights and real-time analytics. With a focus on security and user-friendly interfaces, GT Protocol aims to democratize access to sophisticated trading strategies, enabling both novice and experienced investors to maximize their returns. Embrace the future of crypto trading with GT Protocol and experience unparalleled growth and innovation.


Raise $600k at an IDO
Achieve trading volume above $20m on the day of listing
Build a community of 100k+ members
Marketing Strategy

GT Protocol stands out from most other projects because, at the time of the $GTAI token launch, their product, GT App, already boasted excellent user traction with over 7000 active users. Consequently, our primary marketing focus was on converting this active user base into investors and traders.

Artur Shustov
CEO Coinband
Go-To-Market Strategy

For IDO and Pre-Listing marketing, we decided to use the See-Think-Do-Care marketing concept. Since GT Protocol already had an active and loyal community of product users when the marketing campaign started, our #1 goal was to engage and convert this audience into investors on IDO and traders on listing. To do this, we used SMM and Shilling. And to attract a new audience, we decided to do link building using PR in AI Tokens ranking, as well as Crypto Paid Ads to attract a new audience.

Social Media Marketing

For the marketing campaign period, given the actual business goals of the project, we shifted the content focus from product, to token and project updates through active business development. The content funnel consisted of stages: About AI Crypto Market Opportunities - $GTAI Utilities - Upcoming Launchpads and CEXs. This allowed to create FOMO in the audience and qualitatively convert them into investors and traders.


Our strategy with PR was link building, in the form of placements in ranked highly listicles associated with Top AI Tokens, etc. In 2 months we made 37 placements in relevant rankings, which generated strong organic and referral traffic to the site, which converted well into users and token holders.

Paid Ads (PPC)

In our case, we decided to solve two problems at once with Paid Ads: Retention through remarketing and attracting new audiences through conversion ad campaigns. We ran Google Ads, Meta Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads + Programmatic ads (Coinzilla, Bitmedia, Cointraffic). To track conversions, we used IDO Pre-landing, where the target action was to go to the IDO participation page.

Sold Out at IDO with $650k raised
$30m Trading Volume at the first trading day
+182.000 new community members



The effectiveness of content marketing is greatly enhanced by native shilling, which consists of relevant conversations about a project that are based on audience questions about the topic of the publication.



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