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GG Token

How to increase gambling token distribution, with lottery promotion, with PPC advertising


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About project

GG Token is a gaming token whose only function is the ability to buy online lottery in Tier3 countries.


Increase token sales
Marketing strategy

GGTKN has a wide practical application in online lotteries, where the token is a means of payment. The most straightforward way to increase sales of a gambling token is to increase the number of players in projects that use the token.

We decided to launch Paid Ads, to attract new players, and through content marketing and email marketing, to increase repeat sales.

Artur Shustov
CEO Coinband
Step 1. Launch Facebook Ads

Targeted advertising on Facebook is the easiest and most effective tool to attract users for most Web3 projects. At the time of writing the case study, we have launched 4 countries: ◦ Zambia ◦ Nigeria ◦ Peru ◦ Malawi It is worth noting that the key problem for promoting crypto projects with PPC advertising is ad blocking and getting through moderation. But, by using proxies, anti-decker browsers, and farmed accounts, this risk can be minimized. Advertising campaigns are launched to a wide audience, as it gives better results in similar projects.

Step 2. Content marketing

We've changed the content strategy of GG Token, adding regular posts with bingo draw winners, new big jackpots, and educational content on how to play bingo.

Step 3. E-mail messages

We have launched weekly newsletters with new jackpots, winner reviews, and project updates digest. The project's email database was 10,000+ contacts, which allowed us to get visible results right from the start of the newsletters.

ROI, %: 137%
LEADS: 12.317
AD BUDGET: $5.000



Gambling tokens have a sustainable practical application in projects where the token is a payment method. The easiest and most effective way to promote this token is to increase the number of game users where the token is a payment method.



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