Crypto Social Media Marketing – 5 Best Platforms for Crypto

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Today, social network cryptocurrency marketing is an integral part of digital marketing strategies, and crypto projects are no exception. Indeed, given that cryptocurrency is one of the main subjects of discussion on such social media crypto platforms as Twitter, Discord, Reddit, etc., it would be a big omission not to use them to promote crypto projects that are just starting their life and already have a stable foundation. Below, we will discuss the five main social media platforms that present the greatest potential for crypto promotion.

Why Is Crypto Media Marketing So Important?

According to the Demand Sage statistics, 90% of the total US population uses social media actively. This means that some of them perceive social networks as reliable sources collected “first-hand.” Thus, social media marketing for any project, not only those related to the Web3 world, is critical to expanding audience reach and increasing engagement.

As for the crypto industry and blockchain-based projects, it can be argued that social networks are the main place that affirms the value of a particular digital asset.

For example, if we are talking about Bitcoin, in 2009, that is, at the time of its appearance, 1300 bitcoins cost only 1 dollar. For a year, Bitcoin was in the shadows until it was used for the first time as a payment tool in 2010: with its help, American Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas. This news went viral on the Internet, and since then, the price of this cryptocurrency has increased by almost 10,000%. As we can see, the impetus for the popularity of Bitcoin was the viral concept of the news, which essentially became a direct hit in the hearts of those who were disappointed or regularly faced with the shortcomings of the traditional centralized banking system.

Of course, these days, it’s quite difficult to surprise someone with the opportunity to pay with crypto for ordinary goods, but crypto marketing agencies like ours exist to generate effective ideas. So, if you are looking for such one to get professional crypto social media marketing services, you can contact us right now. However, we’ll talk about the importance of a professional approach in more detail below, and now let’s get back to assessing the potential of social networks for promoting crypto projects.

Specifically, the second significant evidence of effective social media crypto coins marketing is the “advertising” of Dogecoin by Elon Musk. Several years ago, he unwittingly created a colossal demand for this meme cryptocurrency on Twitter, thereby increasing its value from a few millionths of a cent to almost 70 cents.

All these phenomena are not surprising – social networks that concentrate intellectuals today are the main location of crypto communities, i.e., informal associations in which users share their experience of investing and trading, as well as evaluate and make full reviews of interesting blockchain projects.

Why are crypto and social media so inextricable?

Since the initial goal of cryptocurrency, according to its creators, was to give “people’s money” that would not be controlled by anyone, and its rate would not be influenced by the current economic state of individual countries, it is not surprising that their promotion was stimulated directly by ordinary people. This is where social networks came into play, namely Twitter, Telegram, Medium, and Reddit. Discussions on these platforms have always had a significant impact on the price of cryptocurrencies, stimulating both their growth and decline. Moreover, modern media covering the topic of cryptocurrency and blockchain projects mainly draw news from social networks since here, they appear much faster than on any other types of informational resources.

For example, the multiple increase in the external market value of Bitcoin occurred precisely thanks to Reddit. Here, people all over the world form thematic communities, and this is where a colossal number of English-speaking crypto enthusiasts are concentrated.

Thus, social media marketing for crypto projects is perhaps the highest priority type of digital marketing, which, with a professional approach, can create the desired brand image in the minds of potential consumers.

5 Most Relevant Platforms for Your Crypto Social Media Marketing Strategy

Above, we have already briefly mentioned the five most relevant social media crypto currency platforms that play a vital role in the formation of new and promotion of existing crypto projects. Below, we will look at them in more detail and also give another example of a social platform that appeared after Bitcoin gained popularity.


According to the Bank My Cell web resource, Reddit is among the most popular social media worldwide, with an estimated 55.79 million daily active users and 1.660 billion monthly active users in 2023. Here, people discuss issues from the originality of goods to politics, from veganism to crypto projects. Currently, this, probably the best social media for crypto projects, has thousands of active threads dedicated to discussing both cryptocurrencies in general and individual blockchain solutions. The most popular and visited subreddits are r/CryptoCurrency, r/Crypto, and r/Crypto_com – the number of their members is in the millions. From time to time, world-famous characters directly related to the crypto industry post their articles here. In particular, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Ethereum project, sometimes publishes his posts.


Originally a tool for communication between gamers, today, Discord is filled with thousands of channels created by both influential crypto enthusiasts and representatives of crypto project teams. In particular, here, users often discuss ICOs, evaluating projects in terms of profitability for long-term investments. There are also many channels dedicated to crypto trading on this social media crypto platform, where their founders post upcoming fluctuations in cryptocurrency rates. As for the most popular servers, they are, without a doubt, r/Cryptocurrency, r/Cryptocom, and r/CryptoLeaks.


Telegram was initially one of the main platforms for interaction between Russian-speaking crypto enthusiasts. However, today, its scope is much wider and also touches on users who are native speakers of other languages. In view of the positioning of this platform by Pavel Durov as “safe” and “private”, projects that share these epithets often include it in their social media marketing cryptocurrency strategies. Along with channels dedicated to reviews of fluctuations in cryptocurrency rates and general reviews of blockchain projects, on this cryptocurrency social media platform, you can also find those in which it would be appropriate to announce upcoming ICOs/IPOs. Thus, you can use this platform in the early stages of your project development.


The uniqueness and main benefit of Twitter as one of the best social media platforms for cryptocurrency projects is that this platform is the main place of social activity for the majority of world-famous crypto enthusiasts. For example, with proper crypto social media marketing here, your project may be mentioned by such influential personalities as Sam Bankman-Fried, Roger Ver, Erik Voorhees, Girl Gone Crypto, and others.


Medium is mainly of interest to those who like to understand the deepest technical aspects of crypto projects. Moreover, sometimes, the content published on Medium is a continuation of short messages on Twitter. Thus, this social media platform for crypto projects can be used to redirect the main audience from Twitter to explain to the most “meticulous” subscribers how your blockchain-based solution works.


BitcoinTalk is a “bonus” social media cryptocurrency platform that we decided to add to our list as an additional web resource for promotion. As its name suggests, this cryptocurrency social media was originally dedicated to discussing Bitcoin, but today, its threads cover everything related to the blockchain. Given the narrow focus, unlike the best social media cryptocurrency platforms we mentioned above, on it, you will not find uninterested users, which means the ROI from applying your crypto marketing strategy will be the highest possible.

You may have noticed that we did not tell you anything about crypto Instagram marketing and crypto Facebook marketing, and this is not without reason. These platforms are more suitable for promoting Web2 businesses, which does not mean that they are not worth being used for crypto social media marketing, but they definitely should not be chosen as the main ones.

4 Tips on Crypto Social Media Marketing 

To conclude all of the above, we would like to share a brief guide on crypto social media marketing consisting of four essential recommendations.

Create social media accounts for your project

The first thing you should start with your crypto social media marketing is creating profiles on social networks dedicated to the general description and updates of your project. It is reasonable to cover as many platforms as possible so that your potential customers can choose the most convenient one for them.

Build a community

As the number of your subscribers on social networks grows, you will be able to form a separate community, which, in turn, will independently generate new groups and chats without your supervision. Thus, word of mouth will benefit your project.

Communicate with other people in third-party communities

To gradually increase your audience, you also need to interact with crypto enthusiasts in third-party communities, threads, and channels on popular social media for crypto projects. Sometimes, it makes sense to do this not on behalf of your solution but on behalf of its direct user – this way, you will create an “aura” of reliability around it. However, this must be done very carefully so that your crypto social media management strategy does not look like hidden advertising.

Use advertising tools on social media platforms

Finally, you shouldn't forget to set up advertising and targeting for your audience if your specific social media platform allows it. Eben though this is a paid type of promotion, it also has the right to life and is sometimes very effective.

Marketing on Crypto Social Platforms: Final Thoughts

Now you know which social media platforms you need to “master” to promote your crypto project. You can also try using the recommendations described above to lay a solid foundation for popularizing your solution. However, to ensure that your marketing budget gets the most out of it, you are better off using the services of a professional crypto marketing agency. In particular, you can choose us to implement a comprehensive marketing strategy that will ensure stable growth and retention of your audience.

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